Role of Schools in Society

Important Things Learned:
I learned that an educators profession is hard.  Its hard, exciting, challenging, and completely exhausting.  I learned that teachers are gifted and should be paid more.  I believe that teachers should be given over 50% of the credit on what a student becomes, good or bad.  After reading more and more articles I was getting tired just from reading about what an educators day is like.  I hate to blow "our" own horn hear but teachers are vital to the world. 

Surprising Things Learned:
Do we know what the role of the school should be in
our contemporary society? One hundred years ago the
answer to this question was relatively simple. A high
school diploma meant that the graduate was proficient
in basic academic subjects and ready for the
workplace. Today schools are facing many complex
issues and parents are frustrated. While it may be
easy to blame the school district's policies or funding,
we should be asking the broader question of what we
should expect our children to get from their education.  (Solent)

Will a teacher be paid based on student test scores?
Will the male to female ratio of teachers in elementary school become more equal in the 21st century?
What will schools look like in another 100 years, online?