Important Things Learned:
In schools today, there are students with many cultural differences. Schools provide a safe, caring learning environment that is sometimes better than the students home life. Students learn may procedures that are imperative to life after high school. I believe that elementary student are so fragile that we as educators need to make sure these "little citizens" are making the right chooses in and out of school to prepare them for life. Although, students and teachers may have cultural differences those differences are learning experiences and by finding ways the connect different cultures together students learn to be accepting to all people.
Surprising Things Learned:
Cultural institutions, including school libraries, create environments and craft opportunities that inspire learners to wander down their own customized and self-selected learning paths to new bits of information, different sides of stories, and special moments in time. (Campbell)
Will teachers be held to a higher standard as time goes on?
Will/Should teachers need to teach cultural beliefs?