Impact of Technology and Societal Changes on Schools

Important Things Learned:
The most important thing I learned is that technology is changing everyday.  Throughout many searches and readings, I found that in other countries students are using peices of technology that American student hadn't even heard about yet.  I believe this is one of the many reason why American student are falling behind the rest of the world.  I believe that technology is the way teachers need to teach students in the 21st century.  Educators can't relay on old traditional teaching methods.  There are just old and out dated and American need to pick up the slack.

Surprising Things Learned:
According to PISA, in 2003 the U.S. ranked a middling 18th out of 40 nations in terms of mean reading scores. In 2006, American schoolchildren ranked 29th out of 57 participating countries in the mean PISA science score. American students fared worse in math, ranking 35th in the mean mathematics score. Only five of the 30 OECD member nations (Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and Turkey) had lower math scores than the U.S. More depressing still is the fact that the U.S. saw a decline in mathematics scores between 2003 and 2006. In fact, the U.S. ranked an abysmal 34th out of 39 countries in terms of "math progress" between those years, despite the implementation of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) in 2002.  (

How will education technology change in the next 20 year?
Will elementary, middle, and high school ever be completely online?
If schools are online, what about the social aspect of students?